US Warfare First Encounter is another strategy iphone game from Infinidy corp. The game is currently on version 1.0 with a file size of 20.9MB. The game requires iOS 3.0 or later and is also compatible with ipod touch and ipad. The developers of this game is the ones also behind the top selling game titled 2012 Zombie vs Aliens which is played over ten million times. The game sets the story in a time when the world is changing and the wars are not just international but extraterrestrial. You play as a soldier whose duty is to protect the nation from this alien invasion.
us warfare first encounter |
US Warfare First Encounter list the following features:
Enjoy Tower Defence + Real Time Strategy!
Multiple strategic dimensions.
Featuring SandBox mechanics:
Use sandbox to protect your soldiers!
Build up stealth teams of soldiers!
Introducing Construction Bases:
Send out soldiers & occupy construction bases!
"Build" different weapons to defend your line!
Machine Gun, Cannon, Gas Cannon,
Anti-Tank Cannon and more...
Construct Airport to send out fighter Jets!
Construct Tank Factory to send out tanks!
12 Unique soldiers with different abilities
Poisonous Gas emitting gunner!
Anti-Tank Soldier
Nurse with healing power
Alien Assassinator that can turn his enemies
into Zombies
Death Wizard
Alien Dog
There are over 116 levels to conquer in this
US Warfare First Encounter iphone game complimented with original back ground music and with more than 50 game center and open feint achievements.