The Heist is a new brain twisting puzzle iphone game (also on ipod touch and ipad) from tap tap tap. Your mission, given that you accept it with all of your heart, is to solve puzzles and crack the vault that holds precious things that would happen to be your hard earned prize. Key features of this iphone app: a secured vault worth cracking, 4 types of challenging puzzles, 60 fun yet challenging puzzles to solve, 19 game center achievements to earn and a valuable prize that awaits you at the end.
Well, the look and feel of this game is certainly an eye candy complimented with an amazing music scoring. There are 4 different types of puzzles and they start ou very easy but quickly gets harder early on. If you are into challenging puzzle games then this app is right for you. Anyways, the game is quite new so let's expect that tutorials, guide or complete
The Heist walkthrough will be online in few more days (I will paste them in the video when they go live).