Evil Dead The Game is a new funny action horror iphone game from Trigger Apps. This is basically a horror action shooter adventure iphone app where you play as Ash who must fight off deadites and a host of other possessed abominations in order to stay alive and protect his friends from misfortune i.e. dying in the hands of evil spirits. Kinda groovy indeed.
This iphone game is also available for ipod touch and ipad. It packs 30 levels in its story mode based on the cult classic film. Shotguns, aka boomsticks and chainsaw are your weapons to fight off demons and bosses.
Featuring mighty fine and crisp 3D graphics for your eyes. And since you love to see gore in games like a normal person, the developers of this game figured it out and say "hey let's put lots of gore in this app! Shall we?" Hence the game is now gore covered. There are badges to earn in case you need proof to show your friends of how awesome you are in Evil Dead. It also includes some of the dialogues in the original film. One important note: this game requires and iphone 3GS or newer or 4th generation ipod touch to run. Anyways, I will be collecting videos of
Evil Dead The Game walkthrough so expect to see them on this page in the next few days since the app is still new.