Level 5-1 is just one of the many levels of the fifth chapter of Doors & Rooms app by gameday. Guide to other stages of this game are also discussed in this blog, but this page will only cover the first stage of chapter 5. However, I will provide related links at the end of the article that will point you to other level's answers.
Solving puzzles is can be really entertaining or frustrating and D&R often will give you the latter. Anyways, I still suggest that you try your super best and push yourself to the edge of your wits before trying any cheats of some sort like the
Doors & Rooms level 5-1 walkthrough laid out below.
There's not much I can do to stop you now, right? So I'm giving you these guide because I am kind and you're awesome and we are cool:
level 4-9,
level 4-8,
level 4-7.