Pokemon X and Y on 3DS is probably one of the most awesome game release for handheld console games and it has once again captured the hearts of the gamers just like the pokemon games did back in the days of Gameboy.
What makes this game more interesting, aside from the visuals, is the mega evolutions of the pokemons. To help you out in finding all the Pokémon X and Y Mega Stone locations I listed their whereabouts below:
For Mega Venusaur, Mega Charizard X/Y, Mega Blastoise you can find the mega stone needed at Luminose City at Professor Sycamore's laboratory (starter). Non starter, Vernal avenue stone emporium also in Luminose City.
Mega Alakazam - Cave B3F (postgame).
Mega Ganger - Given to you at Laverre City.
Mega Kangaskhan - Glittering Cave (postgame).
Mega Pinsir X - Santalune Forest (postgame).
Mega Gyarados - Couriway Town (postgame).
Mega Aerodactyl - Given to you at Ambrette Town.
Mega Mewtwo X/Y - Pokemon Village Unknown Dungeon.
Mega Scizor - Frozen Cavern behind abomasnow (postgame).
Mega Ampharos - Givent to you at Azure Bay.
Mega Houndoom Y - Route 16 (postgame).
Mega Heracross Y - Santalune Forest (postgame).
Mega Blaziken - at Event Torchic.
Mega Tyranitar X - Cyllage Gym.
Mega Gardevoir - Luminose City Southern Boulevard Cafe being held by traded Ralts.
Mega Mawile - Shabboneau Castle.
Mega Aggron Y - Cyllage Gym.
Mega Manectric - Route 16 (postgame).
Mega Banette - Cave of Emptiness (postgame).
Mega Medicham - Laverre City (postgame).
Mega Absol - Givent to you at Kiloude City (postgame).
Mega Lucario - Held by giften Lucario.
Mega Garchomp - Victory road (postgame).
Mega Abomasnow - Givent to you at Frozen Cavern.
If you want to add something to the list of
Pokémon X and Y mega stone locations above, please do so by leaving a comment below.