What I have here are cheats or walkthrough to all levels of Can You Escape 2 app by mobigrow for Android. I separated them into video each demonstrating full gameplay of a level to avoid spoilers for levels that you don't need the solution for.
But first, for those who are not familiar with this game, this is the sequel to Can You Escape, a popular point and click type of puzzle game for both Android and iOS devices. The purpose of this game is to break out of the rooms. Solve the puzzles and find all the hidden objects that you have to use in the rooms in order to advance to the next floor.
It currently has 8 challenging rooms available at the moment and below are just the answers/walkthrough to all of them.
Level 1.
Level 2.
Level 3.
Level 4.
Level 5.
Level 6.
Level 7.
Level 8.
And there you have it guise! That concludes our collection of
Can You Escape 2 cheats which covers all of the current eight levels.