Shadow Fight 2 is an awesome mobile application from nekki that is mainly consist of awesomeness and great badassery. It's a fighting game featuring silhouette characters that's got some sick kung fu moves with ninja weaponry. Although this game is free, it requires higher phone or tablet specification. If you play it on lower end devices it will totally lag and you won't be able to enjoy it's gameplay. But once you have this game running on a capable device you won't be putting it down for quite a long time or at least until you feel the back of your device heating up beneath your hands. It's addictive as fudge!
I've been testing this game a while ago and I have made it to conclusion that I shall record gameplay videos of it documenting my progress in the game. And so I have made the first few videos featuring the first battles of Shadow, our hero. Check out my Shadow Fight 2 walkthrough videos below. Enjoy!