Level 16 to 40 of 100 Codes app for android are discussed on this page. Not really discussed but it is rather answered. I have listed the correct numbers that you have to input in the keypad for each level I mentioned.
Level 16: 7296
Level 17: Just tap on the "Check" for there is no code needed here.
Level 18: 1035
Level 19: 60439256
Level 20: 1505947
Level 21: 2408
Level 22: 259
Level 23: 4610
Level 24: The stopped time if mission succeeded. If you can't succeed on the mission, there is a magic code on FB.
Level 25: 1095
Level 26: 651459
Level 27: 852
Level 28: 64
Level 29: 29
Level 30: 77519218
Level 31: 0517
Level 32: 0214
Level 33: 8128
Level 34: 42633
Level 35: 1015 or 5101
Level 36: 88
Level 37: 101288
Level 38: 3914
Level 39: 777
Level 40: 8207
I hope that you enjoyed this information that you will consider sharing it around to help those who also need solutions to this challenging brain teaser game. Meanwhile
100 Codes Level 16 to 40 answers will be updated with the next set of levels so just stay tuned.